Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

News & updates... 


Consultation on the Pre Submission consultation draft of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan closed on September 7th 2018. During the consultation over 2000 people visited the Vision 2030 website and over 200 formal responses were made to the consultation.                                                                                                                                                               During September and October the community Steering Group will be considering all responses received and proposing amendments to the Neighbourhood Plan document. The Joint Councils Committee will meet to discuss and agree any amendments with the intention of submitting the revised plan to West Dorset District Council in December 2018.

August 2018

As part of the public consultation on the Pre Submission draft of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood members of the Joint Councils Committee and Community Steering Group will be taking part in a number of local events. Come along to discuss the objectives, policies and porjects set out in the draft plan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Local events where you will find Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan information are:                                                                                                                                                                     14th August -  Symomdsbury Parish Council (6-7pm)                                                              15th August - Bothenhampton Village Hall (4-6pm)                                                                 23rd August - Melplash Show                                                                                                         26th August - Symondsbury Fete                                                                                                     5th  September - Bridport Town Hall (4-7pm)                                                                                                                                                  

July 2018

The Pre Submission consultation draft of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood was launched on Monday July 2nd 2018 and is out for public consultation until 7th September 2018.               The Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan has been developed with input from over 100 local people across and covers the communities of Allington, Bothenhampton & Walditch, Bradpole, Symondsbury, Bridport and West Bay.                                                                                 During the consultation local people are being asked to decide whether the objectives, policies and projects set out in the Plan will ensure that the Bridport area remains a place we can all be proud of, with an improved supply of affordable homes, better public facilities, employment opportunities and a reduced carbon footprint.

July 2018

During the pre submission consultation period members of the Community Steering Group will be attending a number of meetings, mostly organised by others,  to promote the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan and encourage consultation responses. Meetings scheduled include:

  • 16 July  - Citizens Advice Bureau AGM
  • 18 July  - Bradpole Parish Council
  • 19 July  - West Bay Coastal Forum consultation
  • 24 July  - Low Carbon Dorset seminar for businesses
  • 4 Aug   - Family Fun Day in Skilling
  • 15 Aug   - Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council
  • 23 Aug  - Melplash Show
  • 26 Aug - Symondsbury Fete
  • 5th Sept - Bridport Town Hall


June 2018

We are preparing to launch the Pre Submission (regulation 14) consultation document later this summer. Look out for posters promoting the consultation as well as our flyer that will be delivered to all households in the Bridport Area.

Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be attending the Food Festival (15/16 June) and Melplash Show (23 August) to discuss the plan and what will happen next.

Any questions about the Pre Submission Plan contact:

November 2017

The report from this summer's consultation is now available on our website. Thank you to everyone that participated and gave their views on the emerging priorities. The next stage will be to use this information and draft the Neighbourhood Plan itself and this will again be made widely available for the community to have its say.

February 2017

It was great to see so many of you turn out for the Community Fair on 4th February! And REALLY great to hear that so many of you were already aware of the Neighbourhood Plan. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and had a chat with our volunteers. Here is one or our particularly keen volunteers who paced the chilly streets of Bridport to help promote the stand!

December 2016

Wishing all our followers a very special Christmas and 2017! Here's a little early Christmas present for you: our December newsletter!

November 2016

Lots has been going on 'behind the scenes' in the Neighbourhood Plan process. Find out more in our November update!

October 2016

We are now issuing a monthly update email that can be sent direct to your inbox! As the work on the Neighbourhood Plan is hotting up, it is going to be more important than ever to reach as many local people as we can. You can subscribe for updates by clicking here and to see the October update click here.

September 2016



Do you have an interest in local development? Do you think we should be able to influence the type of new homes that are built in the Bridport area and surrounding parishes? Are you comfortable getting complex messages across clearly? If so, our Housing Working Group needs you! Whatever your preferences and strengths, if you have a bit of time to get involved and help out, please get in contact today. 

September 2016

Well they say Rome wasn’t built in a day and the same can be said for the emerging Neighbourhood Plan for the parishes of Allington, Bradpole, Bothenhampton & Walditch, Bridport and Symondsbury. Volunteers from all walks of life have been extremely busy over the past 18 months, listening to local people, undertaking research and developing draft proposals which will help inform and shape future development and planning decisions in our area through the ‘Vision 2030 Neighbourhood Plan’.


The work isn’t over yet; the Vision 2030 team are out and about again this summer to share information about the process and gather views to find out if we’re on the right track. You can find out where we are going to be via the diary here on our ‘new and improved’ website. The main consultation will be taking place this autumn, where you will be able to see the draft priorities and policies and tell us what you think.


Covering topics as big as housing, environment and heritage, climate change, transport, economy, land use and community, this was never going to be a simple or quick process, but one that is important to get right and our volunteers have done a sterling job so far. Anyone else who is interested in getting involved with the process is always welcome and our fortnightly Steering Group meetings are open to all. Whatever your strengths, whether it is talking to members of the public, gathering figures, helping with publicity, reviewing policies, or even just having a point of view – your time and involvement is going to be valuable to this process, however much of it you are able to give, so do get in touch.


To find out more, have your say and complete our online questionnaire or get in contact, please explore our website or email

August 2016

Discussing Plan Priorities at Bucky Doo Square

This summer has seen the Neighbourhood Plan team out and about at lots of events and fetes across the five parishes. This weekend was the turn of Bucky Doo and at a packed Saturday market, the Neighbourhood plan stand stood out well under its bright yellow gazebo!


The team has more events planned and will be at Bucky Doo again on the 20th August, so make sure you pop down, meet some of the hard working volunteers and have your say on what you want the Neighbourhood Plan to prioritise.


More events can be found in our diary.

July 2016

Consultation on Bridport Cycleways by Dorset County Council


"The government is keen to double the level of cycling by 2025. Each year they provide Dorset County Council (DCC) with funding to improve walking and cycling facilities.

Bridport already has some well-used sections of off-road cycleway. Bridport Town Council (BTC) and DCC created the Askers meadow cycleway in 2012 and DCC and Sustrans created the Bridport to Bradpole cycleway in May 2014.

DCC would like to create a town-wide cycle network so more people can travel by foot or bike for the journeys they make every day.

Here's a summary of the proposed work:

  • funded by Highways England, we are currently looking to improve the safety of walkers, cyclists and users of mobility scooters at the East Street roundabout. The proposals include a new Toucan Crossing (pedestrian and Cycling) on East Road; upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing in Sea Road South to a Toucan Crossing; and widening footways around the roundabout to improve the experience of walking and cycling
  • we would also like to link up the Askers Meadow and Sea Road South cycleways with the Bridport to Bradpole cycleway by widening the footway along the western side of South Road North
  • the existing uncontrolled pedestrian crossing opposite Central Motors would be upgraded to a Toucan Crossing and the existing signal controlled pedestrian crossing opposite the Co-op would be converted to an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, with a central refuge island
  • we are also working with BTC to create a quieter, more scenic off-road cycle link through Riverside Gardens
  • once completed this would form part of the proposed West Dorset Trailway between West Bay and Maiden Newton
  • the scheme will link West Bay, Bridport and villages along the way to the railway station at Maiden Newton and into the National Cycle Network Routes 2 and 26. This is expected to boost sustainable tourism and create additional employment opportunities


Future plans 

We are looking at providing a cycleway to fill the missing link between the Crown Roundabout and the start of the old railway line in Burton Road. We are also in talks with Highways England to improve the cycleway at the southern end of Sea Road South by widening the footway and providing safer pedestrian and cyclist crossings on West Bay Road (North) and Sea Road South near Crown Roundabout. We will also be looking at upgrading the surface of the old railway line."


To find the scheme plans and have your opportunity to have a say, click here

July 2016

Appeal to Landowners


Efforts are now being made to boost opportunities for local families to access low cost housing in the Bridport area.


The Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan (known as Vision20-30) Steering Group has established through public consultation and various surveys that new housing for local families is near to unobtainable and therefore deserves urgent action through seeking alternative development.


The Steering Group, representing five parishes; Bradpole, Bridport, Allington, Symondsbury, Walditch and Bothenhampton, are now appealing to local landowners to help provide land for alternative development which can directly help meet the needs of local families.


Self-Build, Custom-Build, Eco-Hamlets, and Low Impact developments are now encouraged through Government Policy and are recognised ways in which to provide low-cost housing that local people can access, including rented property (other than holiday or second homes).


The Neighbourhood Plan would wish to support small or medium scale development and those which would have a low impact on the environment, easily provided road access, and with no risk of causing flooding elsewhere.


As well as housing, the Neighbourhood Plan is also looking at local needs in respect of employment, environment, climate change, transport and community facilities.


Landowners that are able to help provide land which may meet local needs can be given support through the Neighbourhood Plan. This may include land for housing, employment, recreation, agriculture, low carbon energy provision, or even simply attaining protection from development.


Any interested parties may contact Bob Gillis, Acting Project Manager Mountfield 01308 456722 or email More information and an application form can be found at This second call for land is open until Monday 25 July.



June 2016


Neighbourhood Plan- an opportunity for local residents to shape the future.




'Vision 2030' is the title by which 5 local parishes - Allington, Bradpole, Bothenhampton and Walditch, Bridport and Symondsbury - have decided to cooperate on creating a Neighbourhood Plan for the area in and around Bridport. The Neighbourhood Plan is an opportunity for local people to shape the development and growth of the area and set planning policies to determine planning applications.


A volunteer Steering Group drawn from the whole plan area is leading on the production of the Plan, some of the members shown above.

Phyllida Culpin, Chair of the Steering Group said:


“Last summer people told us what they would like to see the Plan cover and those issues are being looked at in detail by seven working groups of volunteers. The working groups cover Climate Change, Environment and heritage, Housing, Transport, Community Facilities, Economy and Land Use. These groups are putting together an evidence base to show how things are now and also suggesting potential policies for inclusion in the Plan.”

Some of the proposals coming out of the working groups include:


  • How to provide more affordable housing for local people.
  • Increased environmental initiatives and requirements for new builds
  • Protection and enhancement of public transport
  • How to protect and support independent high street shops and employment sites
  • Identification and protection of important green spaces in the area


Community Consultation on the findings and proposed policies will be carried out in later this year


The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will also be out and about at events over the summer with information on the work done so far and what remains to be done.


Phyllida Culpin, Steering Group Chair said that “The Steering Group and Working Groups have done a lot of work and we look forward to meeting people at the events to explain more about the project.


It is more important than ever that the area has its own neighbourhood plan, to allow local people to say what they want to see in this area such as enabling important green spaces to be protected and seeking to ensure that housing and other important services are provided in line with what we need. This will be a Plan that has real teeth and, if approved through a Referendum, will have a major influence on the future development of our area. We still have a lot of work to do and we hope that people will want to come forward to help us in the next stages.

March 2016

March Update - Next Steps

With the extent of the work being carried out by the working groups it has been necessary to revise the timetable. This change was reported to the Steering Group in February. The current timetable for the remainder of the Project is:

Stage 5 Build Evidence base/Mapping Exercise


By April 2016

Stage 5 Engage with Developers


By April 2016

Stage 5 In Depth Community Consultation on Options


May –July 2016

Stage 5 Analyse and Produce a Consultation Report


July – August 2016

Stage 6 and 7 Writing Policies and draft Plan

Sept-October 2016

Stage 8 Inspection, Referendum and Adoption

October-December 2016


Project Manager and Administration Support


A Project Manager was appointed with funding from West Dorset District Council and the Town Council for 18 months from end of September 2014. Due to other work commitments, the Project Manager had to stand down from the end of March 2015. The Town Clerk assumed the Project Manager duties on an interim basis from that time. A new project manager is to be recruited to cover the Neighbourhood Plan from April 2016. Administrative support is provided by the Town Council. The Steering Group minute taker is Sal Robinson.


Steering Group Membership


The membership of the Steering Group was appointed by the Joint Committee, which agreed that the Steering Group would have 12 members, to include, as far as possible, representatives from all participating parish areas.


The membership of the Steering Group, as at January 2016, is


Glenn Crawford (Bridport)
Phyllida Culpin (Allington) (Chair)
Richard Freer (Allington)

Phillip Grey (Bridport/Bothenhampton)

Vacancy (Bradpole)
Vacancy (Bothenhampton & Walditch)

Andrew Leppard (Bridport)
Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury)
Richard Nicholls (Bridport) BLAP representative
Caroline Parkins (Bridport) Chamber of Trade & Commerce representative
Young Peoples Representative – Current Vacancy.

The Steering Group and working groups have been meeting regularly in Mountfield


£20,000 was available for Project Manager support. £10,000 is to be claimed from the District Council to meet project management costs so far. The other remaining funding for project management has been earmarked by the Town Council for possible additional consultancy costs in the later stages of the project.


An £8,000 grant from Locality meets the costs of the consultant, Jo Witherden, who is working with the project during the current stages.


£2,500 is available for other costs (£500 from parish councils, £1000 from Bradpole).

The Joint Committee receives regular reports on the funding position.



This report provides a summary of the position on the Project as at January 2016. There will be a further project update in March and further publicity will be issued at the conclusion of the work of the working groups, ahead of the next stage of public consultation later in the year. Additional project management support will be in place from April 2016 to support the project.


Bob Gillis
Interim Project Manager

January 2016

Call for Land - 7th Jan 2016

The Bridport Area Neighborhood Plan Steering Group is requesting that local landowners consider the potential for their land in terms of alternative use, potential development or protection.


This initiative is delivered under the terms of the Localism Act 2011, where local residents are able to decide where development should or should not take place, and what type of development would be appropriate.


The Bridport Area Neighborhood Plan, named as 'Vision-2030', is a collaboration between five parishes, and decisions can be made on any land within this collective area which includes; Bradpole, Bothenhampton, Walditch, Symondsbury, Allington, West Bay and Bridport.


The Neighbourhood Plan Working Group; 'Land Use and Location', is currently attempting to establish the greatest opportunities for bringing land into use that would meet local needs in housing, employment, public services, recreation, agriculture, low-carbon energy provision etc.


The process would culminate in the formation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which can be more specific to local issues than the wider 'Local Plan' and may include land not previously considered or accepted in the Local Plan..


Landowners and managers of land are invited to come forward and express any interest they may have in bringing their land into alternative use. Interested parties are advised to read the Call for Sites Briefing Notes to be fully aware of constraints before application.


A Call for Sites Application Form and the briefing notes can be obtained from Bridport Town Council offices, Mountfield, or from the Neighborhood Plan website;


Further information may be obtained by emailing;


Applications will be considered until March 1st 2016.

Please use this form to let us know of any potential sites that may be interest
Call to sites application form 1.docx
Microsoft Word document [18.4 KB]
Call to sites application form 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [196.1 KB]
Vision 2030 Call for Sites briefing for[...]
Microsoft Word document [13.1 KB]
Vision 2030 Call for Sites briefing for[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [184.9 KB]

Neighbourhood Plan Update…

 …Working Groups Underway


The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has established a number of Working Groups. The Groups will draw up the evidence base for the Neighbourhood Plan and consider policy options under each of the objectives and themes identified as important in consultation.


The Groups work within the remit set out in the following documents:


­              Objectives and Tasks


­              Terms of Reference


­              what the neighbourhood Plan Can and Can’t Influence


The Working Groups started to meet in November 2015 and each Group is convened by a member of the Steering Group. The Groups will be meeting up until the end of April 2016. This provides a summary of their initial work.


HousingConvenor: Glenn Crawford.


The Group is drawing up a detailed evidence base of Housing need in the Plan area. Tasks being undertaken include:


­              producing questionnaires for Housing Associations, Estate Agents, shops and businesses.


­              researching models of affordable/social housing, and their applicability locally



              producing a template for a Housing Needs Assessment


EnvironmentConvenor: Richard Nicholls


Looking at a range of information including:


­              Parish plans for all the participating parishes

­              National Planning Policy Framework

­              West Dorset Landscape character assessment

­              Environment section of new Local Plan

December 2015

Working Party Update 

The communities of Allington, Bradpole, Bothenhampton, Bridport, Symondsbury and Walditch –are working together to create a Neighbourhood Plan for their area. The Plan is an opportunity for local people to shape the development and growth of the area and set planning policies to determine planning applications.


The Neighbourhood Plan is being produced by a community led Steering Group and there will be consultation and an opportunity for people to be involved and influence the Plan at all stages of its development.


During the summer, the Steering Group has been out and about consulting with people on the Vision and Objectives for the Plan and what issues they would like to see covered in the Plan.


You can see the results of that consultation here

You can see the Vision and Objectives below


The Steering Group has agreed to set up a number of Working Groups, that will begin the work of looking in detail at each of the areas that people have told us are important, drawing up a good picture of the current position on issues like housing, public transport etc. and then to consider what options there are that we can take forward through the Neighbourhood Plan. The Groups started to meet in November.


Working Groups here




Regular updates will appear in the News pages.ext Steps

September 2015

The Vision 2030 Objectives have been reviewed and updated following consultion:



Revised / new objective


To enhance and protect our AONB status, the conservation areas and the Jurassic Coast.

No change proposed.

To maintain, protect and enhance the unique nature, heritage, important features, character and assets of the Neighbourhood Plan Area, including the independent nature and vitality of the town centre.

To maintain, protect and enhance the unique nature, heritage, important features, character and environmental assets of the Neighbourhood Plan Area.


To alleviate the impact of climate change, develop renewable energy and encourage efficient waste management.

No change proposed

HOUSING To provide housing that the community needs, of high quality, accessible to services and affordable, in appropriate locations. No change proposed


To facilitate the expansion of the local economy to extend opportunity for established local businesses and the creation of new ones, ensuring that our economy is robust with high quality jobs and skills.

To facilitate the expansion of the local economy, extending opportunities for established local and for new businesses, ensuring that our economy is robust with high quality jobs and skills.


To maintain, protect and enhance the independent nature and vitality of our town centre.

Encourage sustainable tourism which uses local services, facilities and locally produced goods creating an accessible and attractive destination for visitors and local people. This will further our AONB status.

To encourage sustainable tourism which uses local services, facilities and locally produced goods, creating an accessible and attractive destination for visitors and local people.


To encourage the development of increased facilities including education, health, leisure, cultural and community services where these bring benefits to our community in line with this devolved Plan.

To protect our excellent community facilities including education, health, cultural, sport and leisure facilities.  To increase their range and availability where these bring benefits to our community.  To make sure that these facilities are accessible to all, including those living in the more rural parts of the plan area. 

To have excellent leisure, cultural and sporting opportunities, which are accessible to all.

To protect and develop key services and facilities in sustainable rural areas.


No draft objective

To improve access for local residents and visitors around the town, particularly to local services, and reduce reliance on the car


No draft objective

To ensure that sites that are needed for development are selected to best meet the range of local needs identified in the Plan, and designed in keeping with the local character of that area.

July 2015

How Did It Start?


The local councils for Allington, Bradpole, Bridport, Bothenhampton and Walditch and Symondsbury agreed to work together to allow their communities to develop a neighbourhood plan for their combined area.


What Has Happened So Far?


The governance arrangements were approved by all the participating councils. This established a Joint Committee of the councils, with responsibility for the main decisions affecting the Plan, including funding decisions, and a community Steering Group that would lead on the delivery of the Plan.


The Project was formally launched in November 2014 at a very well attended event in Bridport Town Hall. At the event, people were asked to indicate issues that they felt were important and should be covered under a Plan. People also indicated if they wished to be on the Steering Group. 


The Steering Group then began meeting in January 2015. It adopted a Project Plan and Communications Plan.


It then worked up a draft Vision and Objectives for the Plan (included as Appendix A to this report) and began to look at establishing working groups and discussed the remit for each of the groups. This work was informed by comments received at the launch event.

The Steering Group set up a web site, Vision2030, and established a presence on Facebook and Twitter.


The Steering Group then embarked on initial consultation and awareness raising, which is to continue through the summer.




This initial consultation had the following aims:


  • ­    To consult on the Vision and Objectives
  • ­    Identify volunteers for the Working Groups
  • ­    Raise awareness of the Plan.

Steering Group representatives and the Neighbourhood Plan display were at a number of events over the summer. This included:


Bradpole Fete 30 May
Walditch Village Hall 6 June
Bridport Food Festival 13 June
Allington Hillbillies Fete 21 June 
Charter Fair 4 July
Bothenhampton Church Fete 18 July


Events to come
Melplash Show 27 August
Symondsbury Fete 30 August




A questionnaire was available at all events and at Mountfield, the TIC, online and in the Library. The questionnaire sought general comments on issues and areas to be covered by the Plan, the Vision and Objectives and the proposed working groups. It also asked people if they wished to volunteer to be on one of the working groups.


The decision was taken to extend the consultation period to cover all the main summer events.


Project Manager and Administration Support


A Project Manager was appointed with funding from West Dorset District Council and the Town Council for 18 months from end of September 2014. Due to other work commitments, the Project Manager had to stand down from the end of March 2015. The Town Clerk assumed the Project Manager duties on an interim basis from that time. Proposals will be brought forward for further Project Manager support later in 2015. Administrative support is provided by the Town Council. 


Steering Group Membership 


The membership of the Steering Group was appointed by the Joint Committee, which agreed that the Steering Group would have 12 members, to include, as far as possible, representatives from all participating parish areas.


The membership of the Steering Group, as at July 2015, is


Glenn Crawford (Bridport)
Phyllida Culpin (Allington) (Chair)
Richard Freer (Allington) 
Phillip Grey (Bridport)
Ian Harvey (Bradpole)
David Hill (Bothenhampton & Walditch)
Andrew Leppard (Bridport)
Nicky Lewis (Symondsbury)
Richard Nicholls (Bridport) BLAP representative 
Caroline Parkins (Bridport) Chamber of Trade & Commerce representative
Jo Hewetson, Beth Hedges and Jak Ford attend representing young people.


Sal Robinson - Steering Group minutes.


The Steering Group has been meeting regularly in Mountfield.


Outcome of Consultation

A summary of the consultation, as at the time of writing, is included as Appendix B to this report. 

A number of people have put their names forward to be part of the working groups and comments have also been received on the Vision and Objectives and proposed working groups. 
A full report on the consultation, including all comments received, will be finalised at the end of August.


£20,000 has been earmarked for Project Manager support. 

£2,000 is available for other costs (£500 from each participating parish council).

An application for £8,000 has been made to the Locality Programme for funding the consultancy costs.

The Joint Committee receives regular reports on the funding position.

* A consultant, Jo Witherden, is to be appointed to lead on the work under Stage 5.



This report provides a summary of the position on the Project as at July 2015.

The timetable in the Project Plan has slipped slightly but the target for adoption of a Plan remains the end of 2016, two years after the formal launch in November 2014. If this timetable is met, that will be a major achievement bearing in mind the size of the project and the Plan area and also considering the time that other plans have been taking.

The next Project status report will be at the end of Stage 5 (November 2015).


Bob Gillis
Project Manager 
July 2015


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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