Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

March 2016

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting


Tuesday 23 March 2016 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)



Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Phillip Grey (Bridport), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury)


Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Jo Witherden (Consultant) and Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Colin Baker (Bradpole PC), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC), Sandy Goldsmith (Bradpole PC), Dominic Knorpel, Anna Lovell, Maureen Jackson (BLAP), L Gerolemou, E Farmer, Celia Marsh, Jim Tigg, Monica King.


Phyllida said that the Summary Register of Interests of Steering Group members is available for anyone to look at in case of a query.


  1. Apologies. Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Bob Gillis (Bridport TC).


2      Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes were AGREED and signed.


3      Matters Arising From the Minutes.

  • Bob Gillis and Phil Grey have met regarding outstanding website matters.
  • Phil reported that notes from Working Groups are still not being sent to Bob within 72 hours and are therefore not appearing on the website
  • The Project Manager role is being re-advertised and it is hoped to make the appointment in mid April.
  • The 1st meeting with Hallam Land, of interested parties to work on the development of the Master Plan, is at 10 am on 24 March in the Town Hall.

The Neighbourhood Plan representatives are Andrew, Phil, Celia Marsh and Jim Tigg.


4      Working Group Workshops.

The following Working Groups each gave a presentation on their work so far, initial findings and areas requiring further work.


  • Housing.
  • Land Use and Location


  1. Any Other Business / Public Participation.
  • There was some discussion as to how “adventurous” and “innovative” the Neighbourhood Plan can be. The general consensus was that it is better to include ideas even if they may be rejected by the Examiner. The Plan should be innovative but sustainable.
  • Phil reported an issue with the Vision-2030 e-mail, which only affect those who download their e-mails – web mail is fine.


  1. Next meetings.

The next Steering Group meetings will be at 7 pm on Wednesday 20 April, at a venue in one of the Parishes.


All Working Groups should aim to have written up at least some of their findings and have sent them to Jo before that date.


Items for the Agenda include:

  • election of Chair and Vice Chair of the Steering Group
  • pulling together of issues from Working Groups
  • discussion of the format of the Plan (all members to look at existing plans which Jo will suggest as examples)
  • discussion of how the evidence base will be built (Jo to provide a template)




Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting


Tuesday 15 March 2016 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)



Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury)


Additional Working Group members:

Climate Change:- Raja Jarrah

Environment:- Horatio Morpurgo, Brian Wilson, Sal Robinson


Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Jo Witherden (Consultant) and Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Colin Baker, Dominic Knorpel, Anna Lovell.


Phyllida said that the Summary Register of Interests of Steering Group members is available for anyone to look at in case of a query.


Apologies. Phillip Grey (Bridport), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC).


Minutes of Last Meeting.

The minutes were AGREED and signed.


Matters Arising From the Minutes.

Phyllida reported that Bob Driscoll is now the Symondsbury representative.


There is still a need for a Bradpole representative. Bradpole Parish Council was considering its involvement in the Plan and representatives of the Steering Group had attended the Council’s extraordinary meeting held on 9 March to discuss this matter. There were a number of concerns raised by the Parish Council including engagement with the parishes, more information needed including on the web site and a feeling that the Plan was dominated by Bridport issues and the general need for improved communication and “outreach”


Phyllida said that it is crucial for the Steering Group to be held in the parishes.


Bob Gillis said that he is meeting with Phil Grey regarding outstanding website matters.


Bob reported that the position of Project Manager was to be re-advertised and it is hoped to make the appointment in mid April.


Glenn asked who will write the final Neighbourhood Plan report. Jo said that the Working Group reports will need to be pulled together but that it is not necessary for one person to write everything. Part of her role as consultant is to check output from Working Groups as they progress and advise on direction on what can be included in the Plan


Phyllida said that she would like the Chair and Vice Chair of the Steering Committee to be elected at the next full Steering Group meeting, i.e. the one following 22 March. There is currently no Vice Chair and she has been Chair for more than a year.


Bob reported that Jo Hewetson’s Young Persons group met on 14 March and that around 10 young people attended. Jo H wants to engage with the Neighbourhood Plan at some point down the line.


Hallam Land is organising a Steering Group of interested stakeholders to work on the development of the Master Plan, which has to involve the local community. They are suggesting a group of 10, with 2 / 3 from the Neighbourhood Plan. The 1st meeting is due to be at 10 am on 24 March.


AGREED that Andrew, Phil and a representative from the Housing Working Group should attend.

It was reported that both the West Dorset Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework are being reviewed.


Working Group Workshops.

The following Working Groups each gave a presentation on their work so far, initial findings and areas requiring further work.



Climate Change


Any Other Business / Public Participation. Nothing was raised.


There is a meeting being held by the Clinical Commissioning Group on 4 April, 6 pm – 8.30 pm at Bridport Town Hall. It is necessary to register to attend ( or ring 01305 26097201305 260972)


The BLAP Health and Wellbeing group are intending to write to DCC regarding the proposed provision of a Community Centre, Hub and replacement for Sydney Gale Care Home, all on the Fishermans Arms site. Phyllida suggested and it was supported that it would, if possible, be helpful if the DCC decision on this could be left until the Neighbourhood Plan is available, even if only in draft form.


Next meetings.


The next 2 Steering Group meetings will be at 7 pm on


Wednesday 23 March                    Housing and Land Use. 


THIS WILL BE HELD AT BRIDPORT TOWN HALL and Jo will be available from 6:15 to give help with the GetMapping software.


Wednesday 6 April                          Normal Steering Group meeting



c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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