Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
30 August 2017, 6pm, at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Caroline Meredith (Bridport Chamber of Commerce), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington).
Also in Attendance: Katy Graham (Project Manager), Richard Toft (Climate Change), Maureen Jackson (BLAP).
Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.
1. Apologies.
Sal Robinson, Sue Fryer (Land Use), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), Steve Spear (Bradpole)
2. Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes were AGREED.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
The matter of Steering Group membership was raised and the role of a member was outlined. Richard Freer proposed Richard Toft who will be sent further details of the role to consider.
Maureen raised the issue of the Land Use group and what the remit may be moving forward, as they had lost their lead member (Andrew Leppard). Until the results of the community consultation are known, it is not known if there will be a further role regarding land allocation, but if there is, additional support would be provided to the group as appropriate.
Regarding the Housing group requests for data from WDDC, some data has been provided, but isn’t comparable with earlier data, so a further request has been made for clarity. The matter of key worker housing was also outstanding. On older people’s housing, Phyllida was in discussion with Maureen and awaiting information.
The issue of leafleting was raised again, as it had been raised by the Chair at the JCC meeting. There was some dissatisfaction remaining that Town Council officers had delivered the leaflets instead of councillors, as per all of the other parishes and Phyllida will write again to Bob Gillis on this matter.
4. Update from consultation.
Around 500 responses have been received so far on the consultation, which is lower than hoped, but comparable to the Local Plan review (c.1000 responses from across the district). The results of the surveys are being logged as they come in and a report will be produced with the collated responses, aiming for 15th September. Alongside the results there will be a ‘lessons learned’ section, reflecting on the feedback received on the consultation, including the suggestion to include a pre-paid envelope to return the surveys.
Attendance at Melplash and Symondsbury Fete had been useful to reach out to people and remind them to complete and return their surveys, some of which were completed with them at the events.
5. Next stages.
Housing: working on gathering data from WDDC, JCC will contact the council on this where any issues remain or information is not forthcoming.
All working groups: are there any outstanding responses needed to the parishes/town council feedback? If so, please update and send to Katy as soon as possible.
Katy to contact Jan Farnan to book some time to start the process of translating the draft intentions into formal-worded policies (ongoing starting after JCC meeting of 26th September).
1st September |
Closing date for survey returns – Katy and parishes to collect and town council to upload |
15th September |
Consultation report completed and circulated to SG, JCC, WGs and WDDC. Will include a grid for each working group to note the comments and respond to them (either agreeing and making a change, or not and explaining why). |
20th September |
Next Steering Group meeting: Working Groups to:
These to be reported at the SG meeting by WG reps and completed by late October in time for the joint councils event. |
26th September |
JCC meeting. WDDC officer will be invited to discuss findings of the consultation as well as links to the Local Plan and ensuring LP takes account of the emerging NP. |
10/11/12 or 13 October (TBC) |
Meeting with Haywards regarding St Michaels/Neighbourhood Plan consultation findings (Phyllida to confirm date then circulate to find if any others would like to attend. Ian Bark from JCC has already offered.) |
Late October/early November (TBC) |
Meeting of all parish and town councillors as well as district councillors and officers to hear results of the consultation and discuss any outstanding issues. The outcome of this event is that there will be a clear way forward agreed on which the draft Neighbourhood Plan can then be prepared. |
6. Public participation / any other business.
Bob Driscoll provided an update on the possibility of a community bus for the area. Phyllida reported that this was a project the JCC had specifically mentioned as credited to the Neighbourhood Plan group and process.
Richard Freer reported that transport connectivity issues had been raised regarding Vearse Farm. The planning application is due to be heard 12th October. Phyllida asked that any speakers make it clear which organisation they are representing (if any) to avoid mis-reporting.
Maureen is seeking an update on the county council’s plans for the Bridport Connect and care home projects and will report back.
7. Next meeting.
The next Steering Group meeting will be on Wednesday 20 September, 6 pm at Mountfield.
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
2 August 2017, 6pm, at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Caroline Meredith (Bridport Chamber of Commerce), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington).
Also in Attendance: Katy Graham (Project Manager), Sal Robinson, Sue Fryer (Land Use), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), Richard Toft (Climate Change), Maureen Jackson (BLAP).
Andrew Leppard has stepped down from the Steering Committee as he is moving out of the area. Phyllida raised a vote of thanks for all his hard work on the Steering Committee and the Land Use Working Group.
Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes were AGREED.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Working Group Updates.
Nothing to report.
Climate Change:
Nothing to report.
The Woodland Trust has given written consent regarding the proposed designation of Allington Hill and Cooper’s Wood & Field as Local Green Spaces.
Allington Parish Council has given verbal consent for Cooper’s Wood & Field, which the parish council leases from the Woodland Trust – written confirmation is outstanding.
There is ongoing correspondence with Mr Philip Seal, owner of part of “Happy Island”, regarding the proposal to designate it as a Local Green Space.
Nothing to report.
WDDC has sent an update of housing need figures for the Bridport area. The data presentation is not compatible with data previously – WDDC have been asked to provide it in the previous format.
Key Worker housing and the Dorset Housing Allocation Policy are being looked at.
There are concerns regarding WDDC’s concept of housing requirements for older people – input from BLAP and POPP is needed – Phyllida and Maureen will me to discuss.
Land Use:
Nothing to report.
4. Updates from Consultation / Surgeries.
It is being advertised in the press and on posters.
It was NOTED that only 1 Bridport Town Councillor help deliver in Bridport parish, most was done by Town Council employees and volunteers. In the other parishes most, if not all, of the delivering was done by councillors.
There has been very good feedback about the leaflet.
There has been a low attendance at the surgeries
Collating of results will be done by Bridport Town Council staff, and will be done as results come in on-line and on paper.
5. Melplash Show and Other Events.
6. Public Participation / Any Other Business.
Gavin Fryer asked if the Land Use Group still exists now that Andrew Leppard has left – yes, it does but how depends on the outcome of the survey question regarding allocating land for low cost housing for local people.
Phyllida said that there are now 2 vacancies on the Steering Group and suggested that canvassing for new members is done when the survey results are announced.
Phyllida said that Haywards want to meet with the Neighbourhood Plan group regarding the St Michael’s Trading Estate redevelopment. There was general agreement, but it was thought that it would be better to wait until the community consultation was complete so that information from this could be shared and the discussion be more informed. AGREED that any meeting must take place after the survey results are available – what is relevant to any discussion with Haywards is what the community say they want / need, together with the research which has been done by the Working Groups. Phyllida will communicate this to Haywards and advise that they can respond to the survey in the meantime.
Richard Freer asked is any more has been heard from Magna re their plans for social housing. Maureen said that they are still looking for sites and recently had a meeting with local builders looking at sustainability and environmental issues etc. Magna is looking to build 100 dwellings for low cost rent and 100 for shared ownership.
7. Next meeting.
The next Steering Group meeting will be on Wednesday 30 August, 6 pm at Mountfield.