Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Stephen Spear (Bradpole), Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Katy Graham (Project Manager).
Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson, Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC), Anna Lovell (POPP), Raja Jarrah (Climate Change), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), and Richard Toft (Climate Change).
Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.
Phyllida said that Dominic Knorpel’s funeral had been earlier that afternoon and that she had sent a condolence card to the family on behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.
1. Apologies. Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington).
2. Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
Youth Outreach.
4. Programme plan and budget.
The updated income and expenditure report was circulated.
Potential expenditure – no new items.
5. Working Group Updates.
Land Use.
Jo Witherden is meeting working Group members re the new sites which have come forward + the ones which have come forward from the WDDC Call for Land.
Katy is identifying the land owners.
The following WDDC / DCC officers have been invited to attend the visits/comment on the sites: Jan Farnan - Planning, Ian Madgwick - DCC Highways, Kate Williams - Conservation Officer, Sarah Barber - Landscape Officer. Richard Brown, AONB, is also attending.
It is hoped to make visits to all sites, over a half day period, in the week beginning 28 November.
There are no Land Use working Group notes on the website – Katy to ask Andrew to provide a brief summary of the Calls for Land and the number of sites put forward from each Call.
The Transport Working Group plans are on the Agenda of the Western Area Transport Group (WATAG) meeting on 24 November.
The Community Bus feasibility brief will also be presented at WATAG.
Climate Change.
Community Facilities.
Mapping for Green Spaces, Allotments and Community Facilities.
Sal reported that there have been problems with the mapping software which are being investigated by the software developers.
She hopes to complete the mapping in time for the next meeting.
6. Consultation Planning and Next Steps.
Phyllida, Caroline and Andrew met to consider what happens next.
Draft Neighbourhood Plan document => Joint Council / Parishes => much wider public audience => refinement of plan => Joint Council / Parishes => Examiner => Referendum
Family drop-in event / surgery with display of photos of old / new, possibly short films, recordings of people talking about such things as transport, housing.
followed by a Public Meeting or Meetings
leaflet every house at some point – this needs to be put in the budget – needs to stress that “this is about US”
draft document available online, in public places
small displays in pubs, supermarkets, library, Leisure Centre, Medical Centre, Bridport Community Hospital
an ongoing publicity campaign in the press, radio, TV etc
how do we reach the WHOLE community?
we need to reach people outside the plan boundary who may have an interest – they can’t vote in the Referendum but they can contribute to the Plan
Katy to provide an updated Project Plan for the next meeting.
The Writing Group is looking at intentions before drafting policies and will need to refer back to the Working Groups.
Katy reported that she is having difficulty collating responses from the last questionnaire as they are too qualitative. This needs to be borne in mind for future questionnaires. Tricia said she would help with this.
7. Public Participation / Any Other Business.
Dorset National Park. This will probably take at least 6 years to come to fruition.
Swanwick Neighbourhood Plan rejected by its makers due to changes made by the Local Authority after Examination. This shows how important it is to get the wording right before Examination.
St Michael’s Trading Estate. Glenn said he will circulate the U-Tube link to the “Made in Bridport” film.
Economic Ways of Building. Gavin asked if this is being considered by the Housing Working Group – yes it is.
Financial Viability Assessment model used by WDDC. Richard Toft asked if we need to request WDDC to bring this up to date and to include the “Merton Rule”.
8. Next meeting.
The next Steering Group meeting will be on Tuesday 29 November, 6 pm at Mountfield.