Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Tuesday 10th May 2016 at Symondsbury School
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair
(Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Richard Nicholls (BLAP). Bob Gillis (Bridport TC).
Also In
Attendance: Colin Baker (Bradpole PC), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC), Dominic Knorpel, Maureen Jackson
(BLAP), Sue Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Margaret Toft, Richard Toft.
- Apologies. Richard Freer (Allington), Phillip Grey (Bridport), Sal Robinson
(Minute Taker)
2 Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3 Matters Arising From the Minutes.
- Web Site – there
was a discussion regarding the web site. There were still some concerns about the site and the ease of updating and use. It was AGREED that Bob should look at options and talk to
Phill. (Colin offered to work with Bob on looking at possible alternative options).
- In response to
the issue raised at the last meeting on a legal challenge after the plan had been accepted, Bob confirmed that the costs of defending a judicial review would fall on the District Council to
4 Working Group Issues – Timings and Additional Support
A member of each Working Group gave a brief update.
- Climate Change - awaiting feedback on template completion so far – Bob to chase
- Housing - Housing Need Assessment had been circulated and Jo’s comments needed to be looked at.
- Environment - a lot of work undertaken but still some
ongoing issues and discussion with Transport on footpaths.
- Transport - still some ongoing work.
- Economy - there was a need for additional expert support to obtain economic data for all the plan area and also to undertake survey of trading
estates. Brian Wilson was able to do this work on a consultancy basis. There was a need for dedicated professional support for the Group on this point.
- Land Use - further Call for Land to be issued and Bob to assist Andrew with the issue of the publicity for this. This would be the final call
for Land with a deadline of the end of June.
- Community Facilities - meeting to take place with Dorset County Council on facilities in the area and Sal was also helping with mapping.
Overall it was AGREED:
- that additional time was needed for the working groups to complete their
- that the working group reports shall be released once Jo had commented and the reports had
been cleared through the Steering Group. Bob to confirm process.
- that all working groups had been asked if they needed additional support. In order to
deliver the work of the Economy group, Bob be given authority to engage Brian Wilson (who undertook the work on the Coastal Community Economic Plan) on a paid consultancy basis to report the economic
data required for the whole Plan area and undertake a survey of the industrial estates.
- Project Plan
Bob reported proposed changes to the timings as follows:
Working Groups conclude
- end of July
Working Group findings out for comment (councils etc.) - July to August
Community Consultation
- Sept- Oct
- Nov
Write Policies and Draft
- Dec
- Jan- March 2017
Inspection, Referendum
- April – June 2017
AGREED the timetable as above.
- Publicity and Events
AGREED that the NP would be represented at events over the summer. A separate working group would
look at preparing for the events.
- Format of the Plan.
AGREED: that the Frome NP format was
- Project Management Support
NOTED: that Katy Graham, the new Project Manager and Community Initiatives Officer would be starting
on 4 July.
AGREED: that Phyllida would meet with Bob to discuss the project plan, support and funding prior to the next Steering Group.
- Public Participation.
There were no issues raised
- Next meetings.
The next Steering Group meeting will be at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 24 May, at Mountfield (meeting subsequently
Publicity Working Group would meet on Friday 20 May at 3.30pm in Mountfield (Phyllida, Caroline, Andrew and Raja if he would like to be involved).