Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

March 2018

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan


Steering Group Meeting


Wednesday 7 March 2018 at Mountfield, Bridport



Present: Richard Toft – Vice Chair (Climate Change), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Richard Freer (Allington), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury),


Also in Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Margaret Toft (Climate Change), Jim Tigg (Housing), Maureen Jackson (BLAP and Land Use), Raja Jarrah (Climate Change), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), Rosie Mathisen (Economy).


Ed Brand spoke about the Bridport and West Bay SHED / Community Workshop project.


Richard T reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.


1. Apologies.


Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), David Dixon (Project Manager), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Sue Fryer (Land Use).


Rosie said that Caroline is stepping down from the Steering Group for the time being. Rosie will attend Steering Group meetings and take over as lead for the Economy Working Group.


2. Minutes of last meeting.


The minutes were AGREED.


3. Matters arising from the minutes.


  • Hallam Land are waiting for the S106 agreements to be finalised – due April. The meetings between Hallam Land, BANP members and others may be re-convened after this.
  • No update regarding the Community Engagement “forum” for the St Michael’s Trading Estate redevelopment.
  • Grave concerns were again voiced regarding the lack of representation for Bradpole and Bothenhampton & Walditch parishes on the Steering Committee at this most critical point in the plan process.


   4. Revised proposal from Feria.


  • The revised proposal had not been circulated to Steering Group members and the Working Group members who were present at the previous meeting.
  • Richard T said that the revised proposal had been received and that emphasis had been shifted from design to policies with no change in cost.
  • Feria are working on policy development this month (March).
  • Design Guidelines will be worked on when policies are complete. A more detailed specification of what is required is needed. Jim Tigg is meeting with Feria later in the week to go through draft Terms of Reference for this part of the brief.


5. Updates from WDDC.


  • Consultant help re viability of affordable housing.
    • Could Locality funding pay for this and other specific pieces of work? This requires investigation.
  • Should there be a specific section in the plan regarding shopping areas and what is valued in the plan area and should not be lost?


6. Revised National Planning Policy Framework Consultation.


  • This will affect the Local Plan and probably the Neighbourhood Plan.
  • David is going through the consultation document and highlighting the sections which have a bearing on Neighbourhood Plans.
  • This will be circulated next week.


7. Project Plan.


  • David had prepared a revised project plan which was circulated with the agenda.
  • Item 4 –Submission of Policies to Steering Group - these are due in draft on 28th March and will be discussed with Feria at a workshop.
  • Items 12 & 13 – Consultation Draft and Sign-Off are very important milestones
  • David will draft the Communications Plan (required before the Regulation 14 Consultation) over the coming weeks.


8. Public Participation / Any Other Business.


Locality funding can only be used for specific technical aspects of the plan

David had suggested a visit to Frome to meet with their NP group. It was suggested that Portland might be better.


9. Next meeting.


The next Steering Group meeting will be on 4 April 2018, 6 pm at Mountfield, preceded by a workshop with Feria to discuss the draft policies.



David's "to do" list.

  • Chase Hallam Land re further meetings after S106 agreements finalised
  • Communications Plan
  • Chase WDDC re Retail survey results (due end January), Transport survey and Environment and Heritage survey (both due end March).
  • NPPF consultation – what affects NPs? – to all ASAP
  • Investigate use of Locality Funding for specific pieces of technical work e.g. viability of affordable housing.
  • Circulate Draft Policies to Steering Group and all Working Group members prior to next meeting.




c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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