Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

What's it all about?

The Neighbourhood Plan is a plan drawn up by a community that sets out a shared vision, policies and proposals to shape future growth and development in the local area. It is part of the statutory development plan and will be used in deciding planning applications.


Consultation 2018

The Pre  Submission consultation draft of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan was out for public comment during July and August 2018. The consultation closed on 7th September 2018. We want to thanks everyone who responded- see: Consultation 2018

Site No Longer Live

The Vision 2030 site is no longer being updated. For information concerning the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan go to~: or email 

A Regulation 15 submission version of the Bridport Area Neighbouhood Plan is expected in April 2019.

Allington * Bothenhampton & Walditch * Bradpole * Symondsbury *                  Bridport & West Bay

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