Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Monday 27 June 2016 at the Walditch Village Hall
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Stephen Spear (Bradpole).
Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker) and Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC), Anna Lovell, Raja Jarrah, Richard Toft, Margaret Toft, Horatio Morpurgo, Vince O’Farrell.
Phyllida welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.
1 Apologies. Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Bob Gillis (Bridport TC).
2 Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed, after amendments to remove Phillip Grey from the list of attendees, to amend the date of the Bothenhampton Festival to 16 July and to add the words “subject to Joint Council approval” after “”video survey if needed” in minute 9 Transport.
3 Matters Arising From the Minutes. None.
4 Feedback on the Food Festival
It is essential to go out and engage the public
The displays were hidden in the marquee and the banner was obscured
The leaflet was excellent
Copies of the questionnaire could have been folded into the leaflet
Clip boards and post-its are needed
Leaflets could be given out at the point of entry – Richard to contact Bothenhampton and Symondsbury – not feasible for Melplash
Tricia said that for future events the Bradpole marquee can be used which will allow more space and a better “presence” to be achieved, instead of sharing the Bridport Town Council marquee.
It was suggested that t-shirts could be obtained to make us more visible at events
AGREED that we must “up our profile”
Phyllida to talk to Katy Graham about arrangements for future events.
5 Attendance at Events over the Summer.
The next event is the Bothenhampton Festival on 16 July. Volunteers are needed to man the display
Hopefully there can be a stand in Bucky Do on 9 and 23 July from 10 - 1 – to be confirmed by Bob Gillis
Charter Fair – 2 July – leaflets and questionnaires to be available
6 Press and Publicity.
Press releases don’t stand out enough and are easily missed. Either photos should be included or a full page advertisement should be paid for, rather than relying on an article
7 Update From Bob Gillis, Acting Project Manager
Phil Grey is working with Bob to get the website up to date
Bob is attempting to convene a Joint Council meeting to approve additional funding for consultants
Katy Graham starts on 4 July and her priority for the 1st 2 weeks is the the Neighbourhood Plan
Working Groups could continue working through August if necessary
Questionnaire responses from the Food Festival are being collated
8 Call For Land Timetable and Publicity.
The 2nd “call for land” has appeared in the Bridport News of 23 June. No responses as yet but 2 further pieces of land have been brought forward prior to this.
Request made to WDDC to contact 'Interested Parties' and owners of development sites which were excluded from the West Dorset Local Plan.
9 Membership of Steering Group
There is a vacancy for a Bothenhampton and Walditch representative.
How can we get young people involved? – it is their future
Display at Colfox?
Contact head / governors?
Possible opportunity for project work by students as was done for Vearse Farm?
10 Any issues from Working Groups – Further support.
A member of each Working Group gave a brief update.
Transport. Still looking at possible improvements at the Town Hall junction – waiting for information from DCC. Re-looking at possibility of light railway from West Bay to Bridport. Looking at possibility of Park and Ride at Broomfields.
Economy. A survey of town shops and businesses has been carried out. Employment on St Michael’s Trading Estate has been looked at. Still need to look at the other industrial estates, including Pymore where there is development potential. Brian Wilson’s help in writing the report is urgently needed – when will this be approved?
Environment. Still waiting for input from Symondsbury parish. There is an issue regarding Allotments which are privately owned. It may be necessary to consider Allotments separately from Green Spaces. Richard Nicholls will be calling a Working Group meeting in the near future.
Land Use. Need to find out what Affordable Housing building is planned by local housing associations.
Climate Change. Nothing to add to previous report.
Community Facilities. Mapping of facilities is in progress. There is a need to find out what people want.
Housing. Glenn had sent a report for the meeting. The difference of opinion has been resolved.
11 Value of Neighbourhood Plans.
Everyone AGREED that it is worth carrying on even with the current economic uncertainty following the Brexit referendum.
It is a manifesto for the Bridport area
Lots of local groups are now working together, often for the 1st time, which is a positive outcome already
AGREED that though it sometimes seems hard to be inspirational it is essential to push for as much as possible, particularly in regard to Affordable Housing
12 Any Other Business.
Bradpole Parish Council has a meeting on 14 September regarding the recently completed Parish Plan They will be mailing dropping over 1,000 houses and can include a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan leaflet
How can we increase the number of visitors to the Vision-2030 website?
13 Next meeting.
The next Steering Group meeting will be at 6 pm on Thursday 14 July, at Mountfield.