Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
7th October 2015 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present:Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Ian Harvey (Bradpole), Glenn Crawford (Bridport),
Richard Freer (Allington), Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Jo Hewetson,), Nicky Lewis (Symondsbury).
In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Amanda Streatfield (Symondsbury Parish Council) and 1 member of the public
(Horatio Morpurgo).
1. Apologies. Jo Witherden, Phillip Grey (Bridport), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole Parish Council).
2. Minutes of previous meeting.Agreed & Signed
3. Matters Arising From
the Minutes.
- Meeting / workshop with Hallam Land
re Vearse Farm – Bob has informed them that 6 members of the Steering Group plus members of Bridport TC and Symondsbury Parish Council wish to attend. He is still waiting for more information about
how the meeting is to be conducted especially as both Bridport and Symondsbury are consultees on the Vearse Farm planning application.
- Housing Need data requested from
WDDC is still outstanding (from March). Phyllida suggested that the Dorset Home Choice team should be approached.
- Bob went through the updated Vision and Objectives Consultation Summary document, which has updated “themes” for Climate Change, Housing and Sustainable Transport; and the new
“theme” Development Sites renamed to Land Uses and Locations. This had been updated by Jo to pick up comments received. This was now the final version of the working group and
- Bob said that he will insert some photographs and then the document can be finalised in time for the working groups launch
5 Working Groups – Terms of
- the term “co-ordinator” be used for the Steering Group members leading Working Groups
- as far as it possible there will be 2 Steering Group members as co-ordinators per working group
- Environment and Heritage – Richard Nichols to be asked if he will be the co-ordinator, with Horatio Morpurgo as support
- Climate Change – Phyllida and possibly Raja Jarra and Richard Toff as support
- Housing – Glenn, with possibly Roy Mathisen as support
- Local Economy – Caroline, Andrew, Jo Hewetson
- Community Facilities - Caroline with possibly a BLAP member as support
- Transport – Richard Freer and Ian
- Land Use and Locations – Ian and Andrew, with Nicky as an advisor
- a Youth working group may be formed
- co-ordinators must regularly attend Steering Group meetings and report back.
Meeting on 22 October for those who have already expressed an interest in being on a Working Group.
- Bob will invite these people +
BLAP members to the meeting
- there will be a short introduction
by Jo Witherden
- attendees will be asked to divide
off into the working groups they wish to join (might be more than 1)
- a form is needed to record
information e.g. skills, particular interest + any days / times they cannot attend working group meetings
- Working Group members need to
complete a Register of Interest
- tea and coffee will be available
- Steering Group members can invite
other people to attend
7 Working Group Launch
event at the Town Hall on 6 & 7 November.
- Andrew, Ian,
Richard , Nicky and Jo Hewetson (and possibly Glenn) will attend on the Friday
- everyone
(except Caroline who is away) will attend on the Saturday
- volunteers who
attend on 22 October will be asked to help
- everyone will
have a name badge
- some sort of
display / pictures is needed for each Working Group “stand”
- Bob to check
that there is a display board for each Working Group
- there will be a
stand in Bucky Doo Square on the Saturday, which should help draw people into the event + the Town Crier
- forms are
needed for new Working Group volunteers to give their details and interests
- publicity is
essential - to include press releases / adverts, Facebook, Twitter, Vision-2030 website, posters in Bucky Doo Square and elsewhere, local radio, leaflets in local shops etc
- Bob to liaise
with David Hill on publicity which will start from w/c 19/10.
- Vision and
Objective Consultation results to be displayed and further comments can be collected
- Bob to find out
if the displays etc can be set up on Thursday evening (confirmed OK)
- Phil has done a lot of work on the
website since the last meeting
- Bob now has administrator
- It is essential that the website
is kept up to date
- Date / time / place of future
Working Group ad Steering Group meetings must be on the website.
Any Other Matters.
- AGREED that Robert Golden (“Blue Sky thinking” suggestion for a Working Group)
be asked to come to the meeting on 22 October to discuss how to take this forward.
- Bob said he will try to make leaflets available for the Bridport Democracy Project event at the Electric Palace on 17 October.
10 Date of Next Steering Group
The next formal meeting of the Steering Group will be at 7 pm on Wednesday 18 November 2015 but other dates for Steering Group members
to attend are, as agreed:
- Thursday 22 October at 7pm in Mountfield with people interested in being on a Working Group
- Friday 6 November 5pm to 7pm and Saturday 7 November 10am to 3pm – public launch of Working Groups in Town Hall.