Notes of the Community Facilities working group held on 2 December 2015
Present: Phyllida (Steering Group and notes); Dominic Knorpel; Anna Lovell; Sylvia Stafford; Kevin
1. Introduction
Those present outlined their skills and interests. This indicated that we have good knowledge about health and older people but not so much on the other areas for community facilities.
It was felt that the various working party meetings should be scheduled so that they didn’t clash and if possible not on consequetive days where people were sitting on more than one. ACTION PC to Steering Group.
It would be helpful if there were a couple of paragraphs which outlined the purpose of the Plan and the role of each group to help recruit more members. ACTION PC to Jo
2. What do we know already?
Dorset Explorer has maps which can be filtered to show location of many facilities eg drs, schools, etc and we have a list of many other community facilities in the NP area. Need to know how we can plot it all on a map. ACTION PC
Other sources of information that were suggested:
Locality maps from DCC
Space needs survey from BLAP
List of charities from Linda Bullock
Support services for older people from Derek Harding, including care homes
Child care centres and youth clubs
Emergency services
NHS, Clinical Commissioning Group
3. Next meeting
Tuesday 15 December at 5.30 at Mountfield (room booking has been confirmed)
ACTION ALL to bring information and ideas of where to source it. PC to see if we can have a large map with at least some things plotted on it.