Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

January 2018

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan


Steering Group Meeting


Wednesday 17 January 2018 at Mountfield, Bridport



Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Toft (Climate Change), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Richard Freer (Allington)


Also in Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), Sue Fryer (Land Use), Margaret Toft (Climate Change), Celia Marsh (Housing), Jim Tigg (Housing), Amanda Streatfield (Symondsbury PC and Joint Council’s Committee), Maureen Jackson (BLAP and Land Use), Raja Jarrah (Climate Change), Rosie Mathison (Economy),


Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.



1. Apologies.



2. Minutes of last meeting.


The minutes were AGREED.

The notes from the meeting with WDDC have been approved by WDDC but Steering Group members who attended the meeting felt that some amendments are required. Richard Freer to give the changes to Bob and Phyllida.


3. Matters arising from the minutes.


Arrangement of a meeting with Hallam Land is outstanding. Phyllida with take this up with Bob Gillis in the absence of a Project Manager.


4. Update on appointment of a Project Manager.


The appointment has been made and it is hoped that the new person will be in post early February, initially part time but with priority given to NP work. They will be invited to attend the next Steering Group meeting.



   5. Update on appointment of consultants.


The appointment of Feria has been approved by the Joint Council’s Committee.

There will be a further meeting with them to finalise the brief (they are modifying to our requirements and have been sent all the documents produced so far so they know exactly where we are with the plan) and they will present a revised fee proposal.

They have agreed to look at design standards for commercial, industrial and residential development / redevelopment and suggest that matters such as this and, for instance, Climate Change are woven into the policies across the board.

Once the revised fee proposal has been accepted by the JCC detailed arrangements for Feria working with the Neighbourhood Plan group will be formulated.


6. Updates from WDDC, including the Retail Survey.


Oliver Rendle has confirmed that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required, after consultation with the 3 statutory consultees (Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England).

It is not necessary for the Plan to have been signed off by WDDC before the Regulation 14 Consultation – it can be signed off after, according to Feria. This will need to be confirmed.

The Project Plan will be updated in the light of the above points.

Outstanding from WDDC: -

  • Key contact
  • Consultant help re viability of affordable housing


Rosie Mathison and Caroline spoke about the WDDC Retail Study Stakeholder event which they attended (the study report will be available by the end of March)

  • Bridport (with Sherbourne) is a “star performer”
  • Bridport needs 3,000 sq. metres of “comparison” stores (i.e. non-food)


If the Local Plan does not make provision for this “need” then retailers are free to look for out of town sites.


AGREED that once the study report is available, NP members will work with Bridport Town Council to prepare a detailed response to go to WDDC.


7. BANP presence at the Community Fair, 3 February.


Caroline and Richard Freer volunteered.


8. Public Participation / Any Other Business.


There is a “roadshow” about the West Bay car park improvement proposals on 1 February, from 10 am – 4 pm, at the Salt House West Bay.


Glenn said that there are notices in Barrack Street suggesting that it be pedestrianised.


WATAG members continue to monitor the use of the coach station.


Sal said she would forward details of a Dorset AONB meeting, to be held in Bridport, to involve interested parties in the production of the next AONC Management Plan


9. Next meeting.


The next Steering Group meeting will be on Wednesday 7 February 2018, 6 pm at Mountfield.





Signed: ………………………………………………………………               Date: 7 February 2018


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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