Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

January 2016

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting


27th January 2016 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)


Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer
(Allington), Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Jo Hewetson, Phillip
Grey (Bridport), Richard Nicholls (BLAP).
In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Jo Witherden (Consultant) and 7 members of the public (Margaret
Toft, Richard Toft, Susan Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Bob Driscoll, Anna Lovell, Raja Jarrah).
Phyllida said that a summary of the Registers of Interest for Steering Group members should be available at every
meeting in case of queries. Bob agreed to make this available.
Bob reported that Ian Harvey has resigned from the Steering Group. It is not yet known if he has also resigned from the
Working Groups. This means that a new Bradpole Steering Group member is required.
Phil said that he now lives in Bothenhampton so can be the Bothenhampton Steering Group member. Bob to seek 
confirmation on parish representatives from the parish councils.
1 Apologies.
Nicky Lewis (Symondsbury), Amanda Streatfield (Symondsbury PC)
2 Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3 Matters Arising From the Minutes.
A query was raised regarding paying for information on private house rentals – could the information
be found elsewhere? Glenn said that this is the only source and it was agreed he should go ahead. Bob will make
the necessary arrangements.
All proposals to incur expenditure must be agreed beforehand by Bob and Bob would place orders and authorise
4 Working Group Updates.
Each Working Group Lead / Representative gave a brief report on what has been achieved so far following
initial meetings.
AGREED each group should provide updates to Bob who will put them on the website. Bob will circulate a
template. It is important that this is done so that Jo W can look for overlaps between the Working Groups.
Bob reminded the group that Jo Witherden is available for help if required.
Jo H said that he continues to work towards the formation of a Youth Group.
5 Project Plan.
Jo W suggested that the next 3 Steering Group meetings should consist of sessions focusing on 2/3 Working
Groups to look for synergies and linkages between the groups. Maps etc can be used.
AGREED that this is a good “photo opportunity” i.e. to get a Bridport News photographer to attend one of the
AGREED that the groupings be
Communities, Transport and Economy
Environment and Climate Change
Housing and Land Use.
6 Project Management Support.
Bob reported that the Town Council had agreed to recruit to a new Project Manager, whose role would
include support for the Neighbourhood Plan, BLAP and Coastal Community Team.
Bob will bring details of the Neighbourhood Plan budget to the next Steering Group meeting.
7 Representation at Community Fair 6 February, Town Hall, 9 am – 2 pm.
AGREED that;
Fliers (with an update of where we are in the project), maps and the report on the last consultation will be made
Steering Group members should let Bob know if they can come along as support
8 Web Site.
Phil asked if he could be sent information for publication on the web site – working group updates would
come via Bob – and also asked if people could let him have feedback on any issues.
The summary Register of Interests also needs to go on the website after the next Steering Group meeting.
9 Any Other Business / Public Participation.
The count of coaches using the bus station is continuing proving evidence of the need for coach parking
facilities and the number of people who visit Bridport on a coach tour. This is being done by Mr & Mrs
The next consultation, based on the Working Group results, was due to be held in May or June. To be
considered at the next Steering Group meeting.
10 Next meeting.
The next 3 Steering Group meetings will be at 7 pm on
Wednesday 24 February
Wednesday 9 March
Wednesday 23 March


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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