Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Wednesday 24 June 2015 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Phillip Grey (Bridport), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Nicky Lewis (Symondsbury), Caroline Perkins (Chamber of Commerce), Richard Nichols (BLAP).
In Attendance: Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Sal Robinson (Minute Taker) and 4 members of the public (Sue Fryer, Margaret Toft and Tricia Dendle and Raja Jarrah).
1. Apologies. Richard Freer (Allington), David Hill (Bothenhampton & Walditch),
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3. Matters Arising.
The questionnaire is not on the website
Bob needs administrator rights to the website.
4. Feedback from Consultation Events.
It was generally felt that these had gone well with a lot of interest in the NP. In total 150 forms had been completed and returned. Even if people don’t complete questionnaires, being at the events is raising the profile of the Neighbourhood Plan.
AGREED that further press releases, posters, fliers etc etc are needed before the next events
Concerns were raised at the small number of responses in relation to the voting population. Bob said that this questionnaire is not intended to be statistically significant but to raise awareness and attract people to join the working Groups. The consultant will design the detailed questionnaire required later in the project, which will ideally go to all households in the NP area.
5. Interim Analysis of Completed Questionnaires.
Bob gave out an initial of the questionnaire responses.
6. Future Events.
4 July – Bridport Charter Fair
8 July - BLAP is having a stand in Bucky Doo for Rural Housing Week and have asked that the NP be represented
18 July - Bothenhampton Fete
27 August – Melplash Show
??? – Symondsbury – the Fete is not until 31 August. Bob to contact Amanda Streatfield to see if there are any other possibilities.
AGREED that primary and secondary schools need to be involved – this is also a possible way of reaching the parents
AGREED that Bob will draft and circulate a “press” release to go out week after next to local press, social media, website, as a poster and flier etc. Fliers to be distributes as widely as possible – doctors and dentists, pubs, library, TIC, etc
AGREED that Bob will investigate cost of producing filers
AGREED to initially print 2,000
7. Project Plan Update.
Bob reported that extending the initial consultation period to the end of August does not greatly affect the plan.
The consultant can start work on next phase before the consultations are complete
8. Progress on Appointment of Consultants to Work on Next Stages
3 people were approached, 1 declined.
Jo Witherden (ex WDDC) and Richard Gardener have been asked to give fixed price quotes by 9:00 am Monday 30 June.
There are 2 stages to the work
July / August prepare for the in depth consultation
October / November – post in depth consultation report
The funding application to Locality cannot be finalised until the cost of consultants is known
AGREED that the applicants be interview by the Steering Committee.
AGREED to ask them to attend and give a 10 minute presentation followed by questions on either Tuesday 7 or Thursday 9 July, whichever is convenient to both
Members of the public are welcome but have no part in the decision
The Joint Committee has given Bob authority to appoint, and Bridport Town Council will be the employer
9. Steering Group Membership.
Richard Nicolson has joined as the BLAP representative
Jo Hewetson is keen to join the Steering Group.
AGREED to check if Beth Hedges and Jak Ford still want to be members, now that exams have finished
AGREED to consider Roy Matheson’s application at a later date
10. Web Site etc.
Phil will re-issue the instructions of logging in to the Vision-2030 e-mail
Phil and Raja will investigate online surveys but in the meantime Tricia said she would convert it to a Word form which can go onto the website.
11. Any Other Business.
Andrew raised his concerns regarding the number of Work Groups – he feels that there should be 6 not 8.
Bob said that he considers this to be something which will come out of the current consultation, to be determined after the consultation end, together with refinement of Aims and Objectives.
12. Next Meeting.
AGREED that the next meeting will be on either Tuesday 7 or Thursday 9 July, at an earlier time – Bob to advise all when he has spoken to the potential consultants.
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
Wednesday 3rd June 2015 at Bridport Town Council (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Phillip Grey (Bridport), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Caroline Perkins (Chamber of Commerce).
In Attendance: Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council) and 4 members of the public (Jenny Barrett, Sue Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Margaret Toft and Richard Toft).
1. Apologies.
Nicky Lewis (Symondsbury), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC) Ian Harvey (Bradpole), David Hill (Bothenhampton & Walditch) and Sal Robinson (Minutes Taker),
2. Minutes of previous meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3. Matters Arising.
Bob reported that West Dorset was still looking at how to provide the Housing Need data. He would continue to chase.
Other matters arising - consultant specification and web site - were separate items on this agenda.
4. Feedback from Bradpole Fete
It was generally felt that this had been a very good event with a lot of interest in the NP. An initial summary of the questionnaire responses was circulated. In total 46 forms had been completed at the event and more taken away. There was a lot of enthusiasm and discussion amongst people visiting the NP display.
Tricia and Ian were thanked for all their help in allowing the NP to be at the event and for all their support.
For future events AGREED:
Name badges would be good (Bob)
Risk Assessment to be completed (Bob)
Pictures to be added to display (Andrew)
Some stamp addressed envelopes for those people who may wish to return by post (Bob)
5. Future Events Cover and other publicity/consultation with stakeholders
6th June - Walditch Village Hall - David Hill and Ian Bark plus Ian Harvey, Richard and Phyllida able to help. David was thanked for all his work in arranging this event and for the recent publicity.
13th June - Food Festival – cover:
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM - John Budden
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM - Richard Freer & Andrew Leppard
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM - David Hill
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM - To be covered – but Bob around most of the day.
21st June - Allington Hill; Cover needed 12-2 and 2-4
Questionnaire and information to be in TIC (Bob)
Also looking at one off display in Bucky Doo and other suggestions for questionnaire – Post Office, Library, Leisure Centre, Londis shop at Skilling and also West Bay shop (Bob)
Need to put questionnaire and schedule of events on web site (Phil) Look to see if survey can go on survey monkey (Phil)
Other displays to be looked at include West Bay – possibly at a West Bay Forum meeting. Need to see if something can be arranged in the Skilling area (Bob)
6. Brief for Consultants Work on Next Stages
Brief to be circulated to SG for comment. Brief to include stages after June consultation i.e. evidence base, mapping exercise, analyse consultation, engaging with consultants and detailed consultation in Sept. Also to include finalising Working Group remits and facilitation of proposed conference to launch working groups.
Bob to make appointment in consultation with SG.
AGREED Consultants Brief to be circulated for comment (Bob)
7. Bridport Local Area Partnership Involvement in Working Groups
How Working groups will be taken forward
AGREED that BLAP be invited to nominate a representative for the Steering Group (Bob)
BLAP Working Groups also to be involved with relevant NP Working Group
Issues on Working Groups that would need to be addressed, with the help of the consultant were:
-How the WGs will work, the areas they will cover and possible re-designation (e.g. change employment to Local Economy, including tourism) would need to be looked at.
-Suggested that a member of SG would chair each group but need to be clear on working arrangements. Groups open to all interested. Need SG contact for each WG.
-Proposed to hold Conference in Town Hall to launch Working Groups and suggested date was 11 July. (Bob to confirm)
The consultant would need to be able to advise on the Working Groups and facilitate the Conference.
8. Steering Group Membership
Jak should be added to the membership. It should also be confirmed if Joe and Beth wished to be members. (Bob)
As agreed earlier, BLAP rep to be added.
Gender balance was important.
9. Web Site
Being updated and Phil looking at additional account log in for Bob. Need to ensure kept updated and emails received were replied to (Phil/Bob).
Facebook proving popular and Tricia helping to maintain the Twitter feed.
Some issues on setting up NP emails – to be looked at and to re-send instructions on setting up accounts. (Phil).
10. Any Other Business.
Chamber of Trade and Commerce to be asked if any information on local jobs/economy and questionnaire to be taken to Chamber meeting (Caroline).
Hallam Land attending Symondsbury Parish Council Tues 9 June in the Public Forum (Richard).
General discussion about need for further press releases and more information in local press. (Bob)