Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

October 2016

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
18 October 2016, 6pm, at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)


Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Stephen Spear (Bradpole), Richard Freer (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Katy Graham (Project Manager).


Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson, Anna Lovell (POPP), Raja Jarrah, Sue Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Karen Etherington, Tricia Dendle (Bradpole PC), Colin Baker (Bradpole PC), Rose Chaney, Kathy Graham,


Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.


1. Apologies. Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Richard Nicholls (BLAP)


2. Minutes of last meeting.

The minutes were AGREED and signed.


3. Matters arising from the minutes.

  • Meeting notes and updated membership lists are needed from the Climate Change, Community Facilities and Environment Working Groups for the website.
  • Templates have been submitted by the Transport, Economy, Housing, Climate Change and Environment Working Groups.
  • AGREED that 8 tabards be ordered.
  • ACTION: Andrew to pass details of the supplier to Katy who will order them. Katy updated this in time for the Orchard Day on 15 October.
  • Colfox Assembly.
  • ACTION: Colfox School have asked for some for the Assembly about the Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Stephen Spear is helping Raja on this.
  • DCC Traffic Survey.
  • This should have been carried out in September, but is now promised for November with results available late December.
  • Mapping – Community Facilities, Green Spaces, Allotments.
  • Sal asked everyone to look at the mapping documents which have been sent to all - she thanked those who had already contacted her.
  • ACTION: Feedback details of omissions and errors as soon as possible.

4. Programme plan and budget

The updated income and expenditure report was given to all.

Income - The latest Locality grant (£5,750) has been received.

Expenditure – Climate Change Working Group expenses (£59.04) and Economy Working Group Trading Estate Survey (£1,200).

Potential expenditure – Climate Change Group for external consultants (Regen SW or similar).


5. Working group updates – Transport.

Richard gave a presentation of the proposals and findings of the Sustainable Transport Group.

The following points were raised during subsequent discussion

  • The new South West Quadrant proposals could adversely affect the bus station / coach parking

  • Statistics ofthe number of coaches using the parking is needed – Mr and Mrs Harding did this a few years ago

  • Car parking must be protected – this is being addressed by the Economy Working Group.

  • Issues regarding Public Footpaths and Cycle Paths are being addressed by the Environment Group

  • Bike parking and charging points for electric bikes should be considered

  • Is there a possibility of a Mobility Scooter scheme?

  • Whilst the anticipated Vearse Farm development cannot be directly addressed in the Neighbourhood Plan as it is a strategic development (part of the West Dorset Local Plan), policies can be developed for this type of large development e.g. need for safe walking and cycling routes, open space etc..

6. Consultation Planning.

Orchard Day 15 October.

  • This was very successful – approximately 200 leaflets were given out. An encouraging number of people were interested.

  • Provision of chairs would have helped people to fill in questionnaires there and then.

  • Some kind of “sticker” to indicate who had already been approached would have been useful.

  • There will not be any further consultation events until the next phase of the project.

  • We need to start thinking how the next round of consultation will be carried out.


7. Public Participation / Any Other Business.

  • There appears to be a lot of money being spent in Bridport town on renovation and repair of buildings which indicates commercial confidence. What underpins this?

    ACTION: pass this to the Economy Working Group.


8. Next meeting.

The next Steering Group meeting will be on Tuesday 1 November, 6pm at Mountfield. 

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
4 October 2016, 6pm, at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)


Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Stephen Spear (Bradpole), Richard Freer (Allington), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Katy Graham (Project Manager).


Also In Attendance: Sal Robinson, Raja Jarrah, Sue Fryer, Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Karen Etherington,


Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.


1. Apologies. Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury)


2. Minutes of last meeting.

The minutes were AGREED and signed.


3. Matters arising from the minutes.

Website: Notes from the Climate Change and the Environment Working Groups have still not been submitted to go on the website.


Orchard Day – 15 October

ACTION:-Richard Freer, Caroline and Phyllida will attend and the gazebo will be used.

ACTION: Katy to update and reprint the leaflet.

ACTION: Katy to chase Andrew re tabards.

Date for return of questionnaires extended to end of October.

Name badges have been updated.


WDDC Officer Time.

WDDC have a duty to support the Neighbourhood Plan process which includes officer time. An approach will be made to see if any other support can be offered, such as help with printing


Recording Volunteer Hours

Whilst this would help to show the huge amount of volunteer input into the Plan process, it isn’t currently a priority whilst there is a lot of other work to complete. It may be something that is revisited later in the process.


4. Programme plan and budget

The updated Budget and planned/known expenditure had been circulated to the Steering Group prior to the meeting.

Jo Witherden is on stand-by to support the land-use group with the site assessment work as well as with the writing group

ACTION: the item “Programme plan and budget” must be on all future agendas.


5. Working group updates – Community Facilities / HNA.

Community Facilities Mapping.

Sal gave a brief presentation of the mapping carried out for Community Facilities.

ACTION: Sal to circulate lists of the facilities mapped so far to all, asking for comments and facilities which are missing

ACTION: A way of showing which facilities are for younger / older people (or both) could be useful – Sal will do this before the next meeting and circulate to all.

Sue Fryer commented that there is a need for play facilities in the Skilling area.


Housing Need Assessment.

Katy has had feedback from those who were sent the draft report.

ACTION: Katy to tabulate responses and circulate to the Housing group for action.

ACTION: Transport to report on 18 October, Economy on 1 November.


6. Consultation with Young People.

Raja has had a productive meeting with Deputy Head of Colfox School. They have offered a slot to speak to a house assembly in the 1st week of November under the theme of Democracy. Students can then address questions to the House Council which can then be passed to the Student Council. It is important that the presentation engages the students and encourages them to think about what they see as necessary for their future in the Bridport area

AGREED to accept this invitation.

ACTION: a small group of volunteers is required to prepare the material for the assembly.


7. Finalising of working group information – writing session

The first session will take place on 20 October – Richard Freer, Richard Nichols and Raja.


8. Publicity

The first eNewsletter has been sent out.


AGREED that another “push” is needed regarding coverage in the local press – for example, whilst they advertise an event they do not mention that the Neighbourhood Plan team will be present.


9. Any Other Business.

Did DCC ever do the traffic survey for the Town Hall traffic lights?

ACTION: Katy to chase.


10. Next meeting.

The next Steering Group meeting will be on Tuesday 18 October, 6pm at Mountfield. 


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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