Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
26 April 2017, 6pm, at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Steve Spear (Bradpole), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Nicholls (BLAP).
Also in Attendance: Sal Robinson, Katy Graham (Project Manager), Maureen Jackson (BLAP), Celia Marsh (Housing), Raja Jarrah (Climate Change).
Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests.
2 changes – Phyllida is a Bridport Town Council allotment holder with a tenancy agreement, Bob Driscoll is a Symondsbury Parish allotment holder with a tenancy agreement. Katy will update the Register of Interests.
1. Apologies.
Richard Toft (Climate Change), Richard Freer (Transport).
2. Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Recent Meetings.
Magna Housing.
Magna has made site visits (with Land use / Housing group members) to some of the sites identified as part of the Local Plan review – Katy will circulate notes.
Meeting with the Housing Associations' Charitable Trust (HACT).
HACT is carrying out research into Local and Neighbourhood Plans and approached us for input – most of their research is in the London area
They can provide data relevant to housing, which we have had difficulty obtaining
This includes information on land ownership
They may include information on the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan in an exhibition they are putting on for DCLG
We can access their data at no cost via Locality
Land Use Meeting with Oliver Rendle, WDDC Planning Policy.
Oliver Rendle is the Environmental Assessment Officer who is assisting in the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process.
Three stages
Stage 1 - Screening – this will assess first if an SEA is required
Oliver has most of the data required for this step
He now needs to know if additional sites will be allocated for development within the Plan – for this he needs our housing figures.
Natural England, the Environment Agency, Historic England then consider the cumulative effects and the effect on the natural and built environment
Once submitted it takes 3 – 4 weeks for a decision as to whether a SEA is required.
If an SEA is required:
Stage 2 – Scoping study – Jo Witherden has already carried out a lot of the work for this, but the consultation needed is additional and takes five weeks, with the same consultees as for the Screening process.
Stage 3 – Options Appraisal.
No consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan can take place until this process is complete, as any recommendations being made need to be informed by the SEA.
Oliver has also commented on the first-stage site assessment report, which he stated was a good piece of work, which demonstrates that an open and fair process has taken place, including statutory consultees.
After discussion regarding local housing need identified in the HNA versus the number of new dwellings allocated for development in the Local Plan for the Bridport Area, it was AGREED by the Steering Committee that
The HNA had not identified a need for additional housing above the 945 allocated in the Local Plan
Therefore no additional sites need to be allocated for housing development in the Neighbourhood Plan
Efforts will now be made to ensure that the Neighbourhood Plan influences the type of new housing, to meet local need, as identified in the HNA – i.e. priority given to social housing, self-build, kits, low impact development, as well as open market housing.
Katy to check with Oliver that this is acceptable.
Katy to look at other completed Neighbourhood Plans for policies which strengthen the local need / wish for social housing.
5. Draft Intentions Document and Next Steps.
The Joint Council Committee met on 25 April. The parishes will not formally review the draft intentions until after the DCC elections on 4 May, due to purdah.
They asked if there are any questions the Steering Group wishes to ask them
No comments have been received yet from WDDC on the HNA
The Evidence Base is progressing well
Formal Consultation Document
The parishes have all offered to help with distribution, parish surgeries, collection of results etc.
Royal Mail will charge £500 to do the mail drop to all houses in the plan area, which means all should receive the information at the same time
Raja, Richard Nicholls, Andrew Leppard, Caroline and Phyllida will meet to start developing the questionnaire and summary document
Bradpole Fete 3 June – there will be a BANP stall, volunteers needed.
6. Public Participation / Any Other Business.
Sal asked what impact the creation of a Dorset National Park would have on Neighbourhood Plans. Katy said that it would depend on how the National Park would be set up geographically. From the outset it would need to adopt existing Local Plans within its area, then it may either develop its own park-wide plan or keep with the different area Local Plans, depending on the views of the council (likely unitary by then).
7. Next meeting.
The next Steering Group meeting will be on Wednesday 10 May, 6 pm at Mountfield.