Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
December 9th 2015 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Ian Harvey (Bradpole), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Jo Hewetson.
In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole Parish Council) and 5 members of the public (Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Susan Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Scott Condliffe).
Phyllida said that the Registers of Interest for Steering Group members should be available at every meeting in case of queries. Bob agreed to make this available.
1 Apologies. Phillip Grey (Bridport).
2 Minutes of Last Meeting - AGREED.
3 Matters Arising - None.
4 Working Group Updates.
Each Working Group Lead / Representative gave a brief report on what has been achieved so far following initial meetings.
AGREED each group should provide weekly updates to Bob who will put them on the website. The report should cover who is doing what, agreed actions and updates.
Bob reminded the group that Jo Witherden is available for help if required.
Summary of meetings so far and meetings planned:-
Housing |
Glenn |
24/11/2015 |
7pm |
Salt House |
Housing |
Glenn |
15/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Environment |
Richard/Horatio |
03/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Environment |
Richard/Horatio |
07/01/2016 |
6pm |
Mountfield |
Climate Change |
Raja |
25/11/2015 |
2-5pm |
Mountfield |
Climate Change |
Raja |
16/12/2015 |
10am |
Visit to Broomhills |
Economy |
Caroline |
01/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Economy |
Caroline |
14/12/2016 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Community Facilities |
Phyllida |
2/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Community Facilities |
Phyllida |
15/12/2015 |
5.30pm |
Mountfield |
Transport |
Ian |
30/11/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Transport |
Ian |
17/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Land Use |
Ian/Andrew |
03/12/2015 |
7pm |
Mountfield |
Land Use |
Ian/Andrew |
10/12/2015 |
6pm |
Mountfield |
Several members said that they did not think that Dorset Explorer provides the functionality required. AGREED that Bob investigate options and make a decision on best system..
Jo H spoke about an existing young person’s group which currently does not cover Bridport but it is hoped to extend it via Colfox School. When there is sufficient local support it will link into the Neighbourhood Plan process.
Ian asked if landowners can be approached by Working Groups or do they have to wait for them to come forward. Bob said that Jo W should be able to answer that question.
AGREED that the Bob could authorise expenditure of £200 - £300 requested by Housing Working Group for home rental data from, provided that the data to be provided by them is clearly defined and suitable. Bob also to seek Jo W’s view.
AGREED that there could be “overlap” between Working Groups and that this needs to be communicated by Working Groups leads, and highlighted in Working Group meeting notes.
5 Project Plan and Timescale.
AGREED that the project plan is unrealistic in that Working Groups cannot complete the work required by the end of February, and AGREED to extend this phase by 2 months.
6 Communication and Liaison with the Press.
AGREED that Andrew will help write future press releases, which will go to Bob and then to Phyllida and Ian before they are released.
7 Web Site.
AGREED that Whilst a lot of work has been done on the website to bring it up to date, there is more to be done. Bob to discuss with Phill.
8 Any Other Business / Public Participation.
Bob reminded members that Jo W is available to provide advice on Wednesday 16 December – this does need to be pre-booked.
Tricia asked that all 5 parishes be informed when the “call for land” advertisement is made.
Tricia asked for ideas of further information she can put on Facebook – she has already posted a number of items of possible interest and has received some feedback.
9 Next meeting.
The next formal meeting of the Steering Group will be at 7 pm on Wednesday 13 January 2016 and every two weeks thereafter.