Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

Pre Submission Draft Consultation - Summer 2018


The Pre  Submission consultation draft of the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan was launched on Monday July 2nd 2018 and public consultation ran until 7th September 2018.


The Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan has been developed with input from over 100 local people across and covers the communities of Allington, Bothenhampton & Walditch, Bradpole, Symondsbury, Bridport and West Bay.


During the consultation local people were asked to decide whether the objectives, policies and projects set out in the Plan would ensure that the Bridport area remains a place we can all be proud of, with an improved supply of homes for local people, better public facilities, employment opportunities and a reduced carbon footprint.


During October all consultation responses will be considered by the Community Steering Group and reccomendations for amendments to the Plan will be put to the Joint Councils Committee.


A revised Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan will be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in December 2018.



Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan - Pre Submission Full Document
Adobe Acrobat document [53.2 MB]
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan - Pre Submission Full Document (Compressed version)
Pre-Submission-Plan_FINAL_COMPRESSED ver[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [10.1 MB]
Pre Submission Summary Document
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]



Next Steps


Now that the consultation period is closed all the comments received will be gathered together and an official consultation statement produced. The Joint Councils Committee, comprising representatives from Bridport Town Council and the Parishes of Allington, Bradpole, Bothenhampton and Walditch , will consider all the views and opinions submitted and set out how the plan is to be amended as a result.


The revised neighbourhood plan will then be formally submitted to West Dorset District Council, the local planning authority. Once complete, the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan will become a statutory planning document and will be used to guide developments in the Bridport Area  until 2036.



Strategic Environmental Assessment


West Dorset District Council would like to bring to the attention of the public that the Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan has been screen for significant environmental effects and does not require a full Strategic Environmental Assessment. see Screening report:

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan - SEA Screening Report 2017
Neighbourhood Plan SEA screening Bridpor[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [976.4 KB]


Previous Consultation feedback


In the summer of 2017 local people were consulted on the intentions being explored in the process of developing the pre submssion document. Below are the results of that consultation! Below you will find the consultation report as well as Appendix B, which contains the full comments received (the report summarises these). We will continue working through these and all comments will be considered in the next stages of the plan drafting.

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan - consultation report 2017
BANP survey report September 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan - consultation report Appendix B
The full comments received during the consultation, grouped by topic area.
Appendix B Full Responses.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [664.9 KB]

We want to thank everyone that responded and has helped with this important process so far!

Draft intentions

Draft intentions for the Neighbourhood Plan
A work in progress, these draft ‘intentions’ for the Plan offer the community an overview of where the ideas and proposals have come from and what we feel are the key issues that matter most in planning terms to people that live in this area, based on consultations in 2015 and 2016.
DRAFT Intentions of the Neighbourhood Pl[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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