Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting
18th November 2015 at Bridport Town Council Offices (Mountfield)
Present: Phyllida Culpin-Chair (Allington), Andrew Leppard (Bridport), Ian Harvey (Bradpole), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Freer (Allington), Bob Gillis (Bridport Town Council), Caroline Parkins (Chamber of Commerce), Phillip Grey (Bridport), Jo Witherden, Jak Ford.
In Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), Tricia Dendle (Bradpole Parish Council)and 8 members of the public (Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Susan Fryer, Gavin Fryer, Robert Golden, Horatio Morpurgo, Karen Etherington, Raja Farrah).
1. Apologies. Richard Nicholls (BLAP).
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
The minutes were AGREED and signed.
3. Matters Arising From the Minutes.
4. Working Group Update.
Bob gave an update regarding the number of people who have volunteered for each Working Group. He said that the quality of people who have come forward is good. Dates and times of the 1st meeting of each group are being arranged – Housing has its first meeting Tuesday 24 November at the Salt House West Bay. All BLAP members are being contacted and invited to attend these meetings via a letter from Phyllida and Maureen Jackson (BLAP Chair).
Bob reported that Bridport Town Council staff are available to assist in arranging meetings and that rooms are available at Mountfield, Salt House or the Town Hall for a large group.
Jo said she will be sending out basic information shortly and will hold “surgery” sessions on 16 November to discuss issues, offer help – she needs to know in advance who wants to come.
Glen queried whether members of the public can attend Working Group meetings. It was noted that the Working Group Terms of Reference say that the meetings are not open meetings but people with an interest (including other BLAP meetings) can attend if agreed in advance.
AGREED that all Working Groups will, within the next week, try to set dates for the first meeting.
5. Feeding other issues into Working Groups
– “Blue Sky Thinking.”
Robert Golden gave a brief overview of “blue sky thinking” and how it could benefit the Neighbourhood Plan.
AGREED to support the concept and that Phyllida will discuss how this will feed into the overall plan process with Robert.
6. Terms of Reference of Working Groups.
AGREED that this should be amended so that a Working Group member can be asked to leave if the majority of members of the group consider that the member’s conduct is hampering the work of the group. Any such action must be reported back to the Steering Group
The Steering Group Code of Conduct applies to the Working Groups
7. Communication and Press Officer.
David Hill was filling this role but has now left the Steering Group.
someone with a marketing background is required and that whoever it is must work with the Steering Group’s agreement
it is necessary to put the Plan concept across to people by showing how it affects THEM and THEIR lives.
Bob will write a “brief” giving the requirements and agree at next Steering Group meeting.
8. Web Site.
the website needs to be brought up to date and re-launched
Bob and Phil will work on this w/b 23 November.
Facebook is not getting enough posts put up – Tricia now has log on details and was looking to post suitable items especially dates of Steering Group meetings.
9. Registration of Interests Form.
that it does not need to go into great detail or be too formal and current version be used.
that people should be asked to declare pertinent interests at the start of each Working Group meeting and Steering Group meetings.
that the same form be used for Working Group members as is used for the Steering Group members.
10. Vearse Farm Workshop with
Hallam Land Management
to be held at Bridport Town Hall on 26 November, starting at 9:30
there are 6 places for Steering Group members - Andrew, Ian, Richard Freer, Caroline (and possibly Phil) said they will attend
AGREED that there is no point in this Workshop unless it is the start of consultation on the Master Plan which Hallam has got to produce.
It is essential that Steering Group members know what a Neighbourhood Plan can achieve and can’t achieve in relation to the Local Plan – Jo said she will update her document to reflect this for each Working Group and the information must go on the website. It is essential so that false expectations are avoided.
the “call for land” needs to go out as soon as possible. Ian will talk to Jo about this.
11. Project Plan Update.
Bob reported that the project is on track.
12. Steering group Membership –
Nomination to Vacancy.
Bob reported that a request has been made to Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council for a replacement to be nominated.
13. Any Other Business /
Public Participation.
There was some discussion regarding comments about the Neighbourhood Plan made by the WDDC Planning Officer at the Bridport Town Council Planning Meeting which discussed the Vearse Farm application.
Glenn said that he felt that it is necessary to start thinking about what the Steering Group wants the final Neighbourhood Plan to look like – he has looked at at number of plans and Frome’s seems particularly good.
14. Next meeting.
The next formal meeting of the Steering Group will be at 7 pm on Wednesday 9 December 2015 and all Steering Group members are invited for a drink afterwards..