Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

7 February 2017

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan, Climate Change Working Group


Minutes of meeting 7th February 2017


Present: Margaret Toft, Richard Toft, Raja Jarrah.


  1. Apologies (standing): John West, Sam Wilberforce
  2. Notes of previous meeting agreed.
  3. RJ reported on the recent meeting (30th Jan) of Steering Group with Hilary Jordan, and other planners from WDDC, the purpose of which was to clarify which NP proposals are feasible/realistic to be included in the NP and how they might be presented (i.e. as policy or aspiration)
  4. Guidance from that discussion will need to be incorporated into the next draft of our text.    This will include highlighting
    1. That we are complying with the full ministerial statement (HCWS488) from 2012 whereby it seems clear that building to Code 4 equivalent is allowed, emphasising that we are not asking for more than this in the NP

    2. further information received with current examples from other Local and Neighbourhood Plans that have been accepted can now be included in our text.

  5. It was agreed that the introduction to our NP should include a clear statement relating to climate change issues that we consider are important and that are addressed in the NP.

         Action for points 4 and 5 : RT, RJ.

  1.  The  submission of a response  to the current Local Plan was discussed. This could be done personally and/or from the NP or perhaps through the Bridport Environment Group.

Action : RT, RJ

7.   Date of next meeting: to be arranged

30th March

Climate Change (CC)
30 March 2016


Venue 67 Coronation Road


Attendance Richard Toft, Margaret Toft, Sam Wilberforce, John West, Raja Jarrah (these notes)


1.    Apologies – none received


2.    Notes of Previous Meeting - agreed 


3.    Update on Actions from Previous Meeting 15 Feb

•    RJ followed up with Broomhills, and has received material, also reviewed by RT, confirming that 20% rainfall increase due to CC had been factored in to design of flood defences. 

•    SW – research on legality and regulation of local grids – carried forward


4.    Issues/Agenda Items


i.    Group will use information from our presentation to Steering Committee (SC), plus additional comments received, to complete “Issues tables” using Jo Witherden’s template, as follows:

1.    CC mitigation – RJ
2.    Energy Efficiency – housing – SW
3.    Energy Efficiency  - commercial – SW
4.    Renewable Energy – RT
5.    Waste management – RT
6.    Transport – MT
7.    Green space – MT
8.    Adaptation to flooding – JW


ii.    As “Evidence” we should cite the range of existing documents already produced by recognised bodies in Dorset and elsewhere, including Local Plan, its Sustainability Assessment, various Strategies etc.
RT can guide people to what’s available.


iii.    First drafts circulated to group by 8th April, comments by 11th, for submission as a set to Jo on 13th – by RT.

Any evidence/issue identified by the Working Group to be put forward for inclusion in draft Plan 
Need to consider impact of increased flooding on location and operation of sewage works and electric substations.


5.    Arrangements for Next Meeting


Raja is away from 11- 25th April , and will miss next SC meeting on 20th April. RT/MT will make sure CC is represented then. Next meeting as CCWG 12 noon Wednesday 4th May, at 67 Coronation Road again (thank you Margaret and Richard)


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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