Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 

February 2018

Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan


Steering Group Meeting


Wednesday 7 February 2018 at Mountfield, Bridport



Present: Phyllida Culpin - Chair (Allington), Glenn Crawford (Bridport), Richard Nicholls (BLAP), Richard Freer (Allington)


Also in Attendance: Sal Robinson (Minute Taker), David Dixon (Project Manager), Margaret Toft (Climate Change), Jim Tigg (Housing), Maureen Jackson (BLAP and Land Use), Raja Jarrah (Climate Change).


Phyllida reminded everyone of the Register of Interests and said that she is standing as a candidate in the forthcoming election for the West Dorset Councillor for Bridport North Ward.


1. Apologies.


Bob Driscoll (Symondsbury), Caroline Meredith (Chamber of Commerce), Gavin Fryer (Land Use), Sue Fryer (Land Use), Richard Toft (Climate Change).


2. Minutes of last meeting.


The minutes were AGREED.


3. Matters arising from the minutes.


  • No amendments to the notes from the meeting with WDDC were required.
  • Bob Gillis has contacted Hallam Land but has not has a response. This will be followed up by David.
  • Haywards (St Michael’s) is setting up a Community Engagement “forum”. The Terms of Reference will be sent to the Bridport Town Council Planning Committee.
  • Richard Freer and Richard Nicholls manned the NP stand at the Community Fair on 3 February. The event was well attended, and several new contacts were made. However, there appears to be duplication of effort is some areas, for example the POPP “Shed” project.
  • The West Bay Car Park Improvement “road show” on 1 February was also well attended and there did not appear to be any contentious issues. Maureen said that some concerns have be raised regarding the use of recycled plastic for the surfacing as this could cause sea pollution.
  • Richard Nichols said he will be attending the Dorset AONB Annual Forum event in Bridport on 20 March to represent the NP.


4. Welcome to David Dixon, Project Manager.

  • Everyone introduced themselves and David then gave a brief resume of his background and experience.
  • He is currently working 3 days a week and is flexible as to which days. The NP will be his priority project.
  • He will be the channel / gatekeeper between Feria and the Steering Group and Working Groups.


   5. Update on appointment of Feria as consultants.


  • All necessary documents have been sent to Feria who are reading them to gain a better understanding of the requirements and they will send a revised proposal and fee by 7 March, preferably by end of February. They are not charging for this.
  • The revised proposal will be discussed at the next Steering Committee meeting on 7 March. The document will be circulated to Steering Group members and the Working Group members who were present at tonight’s meeting.



6. Updates from WDDC, including the Retail Survey.


  • The WDDC Retail Survey results have not yet been published on the Dorsetforyou website.
  • WDDC have sent up to date Housing Register data to the Housing Working Group.
  • David will check whether the Plan must be signed off by WDDC before the Regulation 14 Consultation
  • David will chase WDDC on outstanding matters: -
  • Key contact
  • Consultant help re viability of affordable housing


7. Update on Joint Council Committee.


  • The JCC is now meeting on the 1st Thursday of the month.
  • Sal asked Phyllida about an e-mail she had received from Bradpole PC. Phyllida said she had not received it. Sal said that Bradpole PC does not feel a need to have a representative on the Steering Group as the role of the Steering Group is largely over and that the consultants will complete the Plan. Bradpole will continue to be represented on the JCC. Their involvement in the Plan will be reviewed again in May. Sal said she will forward the e-mail to Steering Group members.
  • Concern was expressed that neither Bradpole PC nor Bothenhampton & Walditch PC will be represented on the Steering Group.


8. Public Participation / Any Other Business.


  • Sal asked what is happening about the planned Bridport Social Care Hub. Maureen said that a DCC report due last December has not appeared. BLAP are following this up.
  • Chancery House Day Centre is closing on 27 March. Apparently, the building cannot be sold on the open market due to restrictive covenants on the use of the building. The Trustees are trying to overturn these.
  • Glenn said that we need a strong publicity campaign before the Regulation 14 consultation. Phyllida said that money has been reserved in the budget for this. She also said that we need to consider “re-branding” the Plan.
  • David said he will produce a Communications Plan for the Steering Group meeting on 28 March.


9. Next meeting.

The 2 next Steering Group meetings will be on Wednesday 7 March 2018 and 28 March 2018, 6 pm at Mountfield.



Signed: ………………………………………………………………               Date: 7 March 2018



David's "to do" list.

  • Outstanding request for further meetings with Hallam
  • Revised Feria proposal to all Steering Group + Working Group leads for 7 Feb
  • Does the Plan have to be signed off by WDDC before the Regulation 14 Consultation?
  • Chase WDDC on outstanding matters: -
    • Key contact
    • Consultant help re viability of affordable housing
  • Communications Plan
  • Login issue with Parish Online, reported by Sal


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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