Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan
Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan 


Below is the newly proposed Objective that will now cover Housing and we would ask for your comments on this. We have included a feedback section to allow you to reply and update us on your thoughts: 


To provide housing that the community needs, of high quality, accessible to services and affordable, in appropriate locations.


To achieve this, we are going to:

Research use of occupancy restrictions achieved through other Neighbourhood Plans (e.g. Lynton & Lynmouth NP, St Ives NP).  Consider whether this would work here and what evidence may be needed to justify this (and feed into housing needs research)

Research local need for housing and how the existing housing stock operates – this will comprise both the review of existing data (Census and other socio-economic data), the affordable housing register, local survey of people in housing need (NB may need to consider need from wider rural hinterland in defining local need), consultation with estate agents (sales and letting) and housing providers (including supported / care accommodation).  From this produce a housing needs report.

Review the WDWP Local Plan viability evidence for affordable housing and CIL contributions.  Would a change in affordable housing mix (if suggested by the housing needs report) have any impact on viability?

Research different delivery mechanisms for housing eg Community Land Trusts, new Starter Homes initiatives, co-housing (eg Gillingham), self-build (eg Graven Hill) etc.  What has worked well?  What lessons can be learnt?

Research Building Regulation requirements and national technical standards, to understand new standards and restrictions that apply.  


Speak to local developers about what guidance might be useful.

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The Working Group

We have formed a Working Group and the contact details of our members can be found below. We are very keen to hear from anyone who would be interested in taking part. We have some very large questions to tackle and would welcome enquires form people no matter your personal background or age.


You can contact our members directly or through our Contacts Page on the Website (Tab Above).


We look forward to hearing from you.  


Working Group meeting minutes can be found here

Group Members

Phyllida Culpin

Glenn Crawford         

Roy Mathisen

Richard Freer

Jim Tigg

Anna Lovell

Celia Marsh

Corry Provan

Elaine Streeter

Ellie Farmer

Richard Nicholls

Tim Crabtree


c/o Bridport Town Council


Rax Lane



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